Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Test Style of Movie

This is a very rough outline that I worked on over the past week to get an idea of how I am going to create this film. This is by no means the final look but it was more for me to see how I would go about treating some of the footage I will be shooting. The background style will not be the sketchy style that I used now I don't think but I just wanted something to create a contrast to the live action look of the character.

The process I used when creating this was to shoot the footage on my DV Recorder. I then brought the footage into Adobe Premiere Pro and exported the footage as a targa image sequence which I then brought into Photoshop. From there I worked on the footage in Animation mode and created a duplicate layer to select the character out from the background. This is where I am unsure about the process as it was quite tedious to select myself from the background and I am wondering if there might be an easier way. After messing with filters on the background I exported the new image sequence to After Effects and exported the quicktime from there. I took out frames from the Animation to create a somewhat pixelated effect but it is not as dynamic as I would like.

Let me know what you think about this loop and whether or not it works. Any suggestions would be great on things I could do to improve this process and whatever else I can change.

Pixelation example from eric mciver on Vimeo.

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